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NOT a Funny Story. Read "A Cockroach in Brooklyn" Below Instead

This is NOT a funny story. Do not read.  Seriously. This post will be boring (unless you know me maybe, like, if you are my mum)  Skip to the next post, or any of the others - those are my very funny short stories. "A Cockroach in Brooklyn" ( is possibly my best short story ever. Seriously. It's very undiscovered. It's not that undiscovered. 94 people have read it, I see that from the analytics of Blogger.  Maybe 90 of those were me editing it. I have 4 people in my immediate family.  So it is, it's undiscovered. Go ahead, you can discover it. But don't read the rest of this. Really. Stop here. Bye. From Loss comes Gain. From a Victim emerges a Protagonist. From the ashes of burned life morphs! Leah is a pastor's daughter in a sparsely-populated desert town in California's San Bernardino County. She plans to follow in his footsteps, and attends college to study Christiani
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